
Nitric's cloud deployments are built on a pluggable interface known as providers. All of Nitric's standard providers AWS, GCP and Azure are powered by Pulumi.

The reason for using Pulumi is that it provides a powerful automation API that allows Nitric to define, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure directly, without transpiling into another Infrastructure-as-Code language first. This allows Nitric to automate infrastructure deployments more efficiently, without additional steps or tooling.

How Nitric integrates with Pulumi

Nitric uses the Pulumi Automation API for its pre-built provider plugins. At first, this may cause some confusion as there is no requirement to create a workspace for managing stacks alongside your project. Instead, the program that interacts with Pulumi via the automation API handles the management of these stacks, which could take the form of a CLI, API, or plugins for other software.

Despite these differences, it does not change how you integrate Nitric with Pulumi Cloud and use it as a state backend for your stack infrastructure. You can get started quickly and try this out with the following steps:

Get the Nitric CLI and scaffold a new project

You can get the Nitric CLI by following the instructions here. Once its set up you can scaffold a new project by running:

nitric new

And follow the prompts to create your new project. Once that's done, jump into that directory with:

cd <your_project_name>

Create a new Nitric stack for your preferred cloud provider

To create and configure a new Nitric stack run:

nitric stack new

This above command will prompt you to set up and configure the cloud you want to deploy to.

Make sure Pulumi is configured

If you don't have the Pulumi CLI set up take a look at their installation documentation. You can check if you're logged in with by running:

pulumi whoami

If you need to login to your Pulumi Cloud account you can do so with:

pulumi login

Once that's set up you can simply run:

nitric up

Within your project directory and wait until the project has finished deploying. You can also follow your deployment on the Pulumi Cloud dashboard